Polyantha Roses

Polyantha Rose 'Gabrielle Privat'
Polyantha Rose ‘Gabrielle Privat’

Zones: 4 – 9
Light: Sun to Part Shade
Bloom Time: Late spring to fall
Height: 4′ to 6′
Spread: 4′

I love most kinds of roses, however there is only one variety that I would truly put in the low maintenance category. And that’s Polyantha roses.

They are an heirloom variety that grows as a thick bush or climbing plant with many 1″ flowers on every stem.

Mine bloom all summer long!

Like most roses they do best in full sun. While they can be planted in part shade, they will produce fewer flowers.

Polantha rose
Polyantha rose

Now for the low maintenance part.

These rose bushes are disease resistant, don’t require fertilizer, or much water.

The only maintenance is to thin out dead branches in the spring. Make sure to wear rose gloves (like these*) for this job since their stems are very prickly!

Buy it HERE.

This post was originally published on June 16, 2020 but was updated with new content on December 8, 2021.