
Lavender By Rosina Peixoto (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Lavender By Rosina Peixoto [CC BY-SA 3.0], from Wikimedia Commons

Zone: 4 to 9

Full Sun

Bloom Time: Summer

Height: 1′ to 3′

Lavender is a member of the herb family with beautiful silver or grey-green foliage and blue, purple, pink or white flowers. Being a herb, it is fairly drought tolerant and produces more scent if it is not fertilized…definitely a low maintenance plant!

To keep it growing well, prune lavender immediately after flowering (you may even get a second round of blooms!), but do not cut into the woody part of the stem…you may kill the plant.

They are also a little finicky about spring pruning. Make sure you wait until the plant has started growing, otherwise it may not survive.

This post was originally published on July 6, 2020 but was updated with new content on December 8, 2021.