
Pink Astilbe | © Zanoza-Ru -
Pink Astilbe | © Zanoza-Ru –

Zones: 3 to 9
Light: Part Shade or Sun (depending on the variety)
Bloom Time: Summer
Height: 6″ to 60″ (depending on the variety)
Spread: 12″ to 36″

Planting Astilbe is a great way to add some color to your shade garden.

With their pretty pink, white, lavender or red plumes that bloom above fern-like foliage in the summer, they definitely make a statement.

Plant them in moist but well-drained soil and water deeply once a week to keep them happy.

Make sure to check the light requirements for the plants you are buying, since some varieties prefer shade while others want more sun.

Learn more about them HERE.

This post was originally published on June 24, 2020 but was updated with new content on December 8, 2021.