Winter Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis)

Winter Aconite blooming through the snow

Zones: 4 to 7
Light: Sun to Part Shade
Height: 3″ to 4″
Spread: 4″ to 6″
Bloom Time: Late Winter to Early Spring
Flower Color: Yellow

Winter Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) produces fragrant, buttercup yellow flowers that can be seen pushing up through the snow in late winter.

Although they act and look like spring bulbs, they are actually tubers that should be planted in the fall.

Like bulbs, their foliage dies back after they bloom (it will be gone by late spring) and they will naturalize.

Winter Aconite is also one of the few plants that can be grown among black walnut trees, and deer don’t particularly care for them.

Winter Aconite blooming with Galanthus

Growing them with other late winter flowers like Galanthus will make their color pop even more.

Buy them HERE.*

This post was originally published on January 13, 2021 but was updated with new content on May 2, 2024.