Star Magnolias

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Magnolia stellata "Rosea"
Magnolia stellata “Rosea”

Zones: 4 – 8

Sun to Part Shade

There are many different types of magnolias that grow in many different climates. I think all of them are beautiful but I am particularly fond of the Star Magnolias.

Their early spring flowers come out before their leaves, usually in late February or early March in my Zone 7B South Carolina garden.

Star Magnolia
Star Magnolia

They generally have pink or white blooms with several petals that give them a star-like appearance.

These bushes grow to about 8′ wide by 15′ high so make sure to plant them in a location with a little room to grow.

Once the leaves do come out, they are pretty, glossy and dark green making a good backdrop for other plants.

This post was originally published on June 21, 2020 but was updated with new content on December 8, 2021.

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